I forgot my password. What can I do?
The following login methods are available to choose from when creating a swype account:
E-mail and password
Apple ID login
Facebook account login
Google account login
In the swype app or on our swype website www.swype.ch , you can only reset your password as follows if you are using the «Email & password» method, as you will have created it on the swype platform.
swype app:
Click on «Help» in the login area under "Sign in > Forgot your login or password?" «Help >» , choose the option «Reset Password» on the next page, enter then your registered e-mail address and confirm by pressing the «Reset Password» button. You will receive an e-mail shortly with a «Reset your password now» link/button that you can use to set a new password.
If the link in the e-mail takes you to the Apple Store and/or the Google Play Store instead of letting you reset your password directly (this procedure varies by device), you will need to copy the six-digit code at the end of the e-mail, enter it into the swype app under «I want to manually insert the code from my e-mail» and click on «Continue» to set a new password.
swype website:
Go to «Get swype» > «Sign in» and click on the «Forgot your password? Reset >» link. Enter your registered e-mail address and click on the «Send code» button. You will receive an e-mail shortly containing a six-digit code – this can be found at the end of the e-mail.
Copy the six-digit code at the end of the e-mail and enter it into the appropriate fields on the website. Once you have done this, click on the «Continue» button to set a new password.
For Apple, Facebook or Google accounts, the password can only be reset on the respective platform on which it was created (Apple, Facebook or Google).
With swype, you can log in using these accounts (Apple, Facebook or Google), which will have been set up on the respective platform, via «Single Sign-on (SSO)» technology. This means that you can initially create the account on a platform such as Google, Apple or Facebook, and then log in with us – as well as on many other platforms that have implemented SSO – using the same login details. As a result, you don’t have to create a new account and set a new password for every new platform, making it easier for you to manage your login details.