Where can I report suspicious content?
Blocking unlawful pornography – reporting suspicious content
As an Internet access provider, we are obligated by law (Art. 46 Swiss Telecommunications Act and Art. 89b Telecommunications Directive) to block content with prohibited pornographic content in accordance with the orders of the Federal Office of Police (fedpol). To do so, we adhere to the blacklists maintained by fedpol.
Report suspicion
Have you come across web content with unlawful pornography (content portraying sexual activities with children or animals or involving violence) and do you want to report this?
The fastest way for your report of a suspicious act to reach the right agency is to use this link to inform the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) of the relevant content through their reporting form. Please note: In no case should you download the content or take screenshots. This can make you criminally liable.
If you have become a victim of cybercrime (phishing, sextortion, etc.), then please contact your local cantonal law enforcement authorities. You can also file a complaint there.